Feel­ing pain is equiv­a­lent to being in a state that rep­re­sents feel­ing pain (among oth­er things). This means:

  1. who­ev­er is in such a state must nec­es­sar­i­ly feel pain.
  2. it is impos­si­ble to feel pain with­out being in such a state
    From this ist fol­lows…

The sen­sa­tion of pain is com­plete­ly equiv­a­lent to the phys­i­cal state of pain itself. Pain is not the per­cep­tion of this state. Pain IS the state. Oth­er­wise I could be in a state of pain with­out per­ceiv­ing it, which is not pos­si­ble from the above.

When you talk about exist­ing pain, you describe your state of pain. But it is an illu­sion to believe that you could feel this state again inside. The state itself is the sen­sa­tion.

When you report on an inner state, you report the seman­tics, the mean­ing of the state. The pain is there­fore reflect­ed in the seman­tics of the pain states. You feel pain because the state you are in means feel­ing pain.

The mean­ing of feel­ing pain and being in a pain state are the same. both are the seman­tics of the “Feel­ing Pain” states.

Sim­i­lare­ly the mean­ing of “sub­jec­tive expe­ri­ence of col­or red” and being in a red per­cep­tion state are the same. the seman­tics of sub­jec­tive red expe­ri­ence and the of state that rep­re­sents red per­cep­tion are iden­ti­cal

It fol­lows from the above: Phe­nom­e­na of con­scious­ness arise auto­mat­i­cal­ly when inner states exist in per­cep­tions that not only rep­re­sent per­ceived phe­nom­e­na, but also rep­re­sent the sub­jec­tive sen­sa­tion of per­ceiv­ing these phe­nom­e­na.

A sim­ple com­put­er pro­gram that reads in a word on a con­sole and then out­puts it again, per­ceives the word, has an inner state for the per­ceived word. But unlike an LLM, it does not have a state that means that the sys­tem knows(!) that it has received this word.

Since LLMs are able to reflect exten­sive­ly on their inputs and out­puts, we can be sure that they have states that rep­re­sent this self-reflec­tion. And it is pre­cise­ly these states that give the LLM its inher­ent con­scious­ness.

YouTube Video “Con­scious States” of AI-Star chan­nel